Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome Back!

Welcome back for the Spring 2011 semester!


We have a service learning opportunity to start the semester! The CHAMPS afterschool program has started back up and there are three schools participating in Earth Action who are looking for college age mentors to be positive role models and help guide the students through their Earth Action project.  Earth Action (formerly Earth Force) is an organization which promotes environmental education.  Gannon students have participated in the program for a number of years and report an enjoyable experience. This is the time for you to become involved!


The three schools are Harding Elementary, Wilson Middle School, and Pfeiffer-Burleigh Elementary.  The main topic that these students will be addressing is Energy and greening their schools.  College mentors are not required to have previous knowledge of best energy practices or greens school (although an interest would be appropriate), as they will not be presenting any material to the students.  All mentors will be under the supervision of the CHAMPS teacher and will be trained in the Earth Action process by an Earth Action staff member. 


If you’re interested, please contact Dr. Forbes.


Best wishes for a successful semester!



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